medieval reenactors dressed in armour by the Spire at Avoncrfot Museum

Medieval Experience Weekend 21 &b 22 September

It is the middle ages!

Faction fight faction for the crown, where better to learn about this than at Avoncroft Museum?

The event is on Saturday and Sunday so come along either day or both.  The Beaufort Companye will be on site to show you the costumes, trades, skills and history of this important period of British History.

Throughout the day there will be demonstration battles where you’ll hear the clash of sword and the bang of cannon in a spectacular clash of arms and armour.

Multiple 15th century  groups will be joining us for the weekend – with living history camps throughout the site on the windmill field, around the buildings and to the right and  left of main arena set out on the New Guesten Hall Lawn area ( main artillery park will be in one of these).

See how Medieval people lived, how they cooked and prepped their food, made their clothes what work they did and games they played.

Bring your rugs and chairs or make use of the Museum seating around the main arena and explore the rest of the site to visit the camps.

Saturday includes a foot tourney, Sunday has two battles

Buckinghams retinue soldiers

Learn how to tell your commoner from your nobility, and  about Arming a Knight  with the Companye and see how your ancestors lived.

Weekend Timetable of Events:

Time Activity Location
10.00 Doors open – Living History
11:00 Firepower, (bows/Crossbows/guns) and foot troops Guesten Hall lawn
11:30 Foot Tourney Guesten Hall lawn


12.30 Kiddie – Drill Guesten Hall lawn
13.00 – 14:00 Warbow Demonstration Guesten Hall lawn


14.00 Arming a knight Medieval camps
14.30 Battle re-enactment – Battle of Bewdley Bridge Guesten Hall lawn
15.30 Costume & manners (how to tell your commoner from your nobility) Guesten Hall lawn
16.00 Wars of the Roses in 30(ish) minutes Guesten Hall lawn
17.00 Last visitor leaves


Time Activity Location
10.00 Doors open – Living History
11.00 Firepower, (bows/Crossbows/guns) and foot troops Guesten Hall lawn
11:30 Arming for War Various Camps
12.00 Battle of Bullsmore – rolling skirmish with enactor civilian involvement Guesten Hall lawn
12.30 Kiddie – Drill Guesten Hall lawn
13.00 – 14:00 Dinner
14.00 Arming a knight Medieval camps
14.30 Battle re-enactment – Battle of Bewdley Bridge Guesten Hall lawn
15.30 Costume & manners (how to tell your commoner from your nobility) Guesten Hall lawn


Daily tickets can be purchased in advance on the website or on the door each day (subject to availability)

Plus The miniature railway will be running  for just £1 a ride

Avoncroft Members no need to pre book a ticket, just bring a valid Membership card for free entry.

Medieval Experience, book here