Avoncroft Museum is an independent charitable museum. Founded in 1963 as a company limited by guarantee it is governed by its Memoranda and Articles. It is a registered charity, number 241644. The Museum is owned by its membership that appoints a body of Trustees to act as the Museum’s Council of Management each year at the annual general meeting (AGM). Trustees serve in a voluntary capacity for three years when they must seek re-election. The Trustees appoint a paid Director, who manages the Museum and appoints the paid staff body. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Museum Members Pay a subscription to join Meet yearly at the AGM Elect members of the Council of Management on rotational 3 yearly basis Appoint the Museum’s Auditors Council of Management (Trustees) Appointed for 3 year periods by AGM Meet bi-monthly Elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary Co-opts new Trustees as needed in between AGMs Appoint a Museum Director to run the Museum Makes decisions on Museum’s significant policies and direction Museum Director Appoints staff Reports to Museum Council Manages Museum Proposes future projects and Museum direction Board of Avoncroft Enterprises Ltd Meets bi-monthly Oversees performance Delegates Management to Director AVONCROFT’S COUNCIL OF MANAGEMENT Mark Armstrong- Chair Mark Armstrong is a Chartered Surveyor (FRICS) and has practised in the public, private and charitable sectors since 1979. During that time he has worked with all aspects of asset management and the heritage industry, leading the direction and operation of 8 historic properties, gardens and estates for the National Trust in the West Midlands region. Mark has been a Trustee of Avoncroft Museum since 2012 and is currently working as a Heritage Management Consultant to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, National Museum of the Royal Navy and has recently been appointed as a mentor to the National Heritage Memorial Fund resilience funding programme.