Accessibility and Parking

Accessibility Avoncroft Museum is constantly working to improve the accessibility of its grounds and buildings and we endeavour to meet…

Diary Dates 2025

Events for 2025 Time travel with us and experience living history from the Medieval era through to the 1940s All…

Blackwork Workshop, 24th August

Blackwork Embroidery Workshop [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="" autoplay="true"][/video] Blackwork is an old form of embroidery. Black thread is predominantly used…
rear view of vintage bus from Transport Museums at Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings

Free Heritage Bus Service

A  free return Heritage Bus Service, will run from Bromsgrove Train Station via Avoncroft Museum this weekend: International Living History…
Windmill with three workers standing in front carrying out repairs

Windmill Conservation

The Avoncroft Windmill Although the Windmill is not able to sail currently (October 2023), there is a lot of activity…