Welcome back to the 1940s & Wartime Britain

at our On The Home Front event

4th & 5th October 2025

with advanced tickets available to buy now.

Experience the life of the Second World War in the UK as Avoncroft turns back the clock.

With displays showing life in the midlands during the Second World War there will be much to see – ranging from the Motorcycles and other Vehicle’s from the 1930s and 1940s and civilians of the time, reenactors will be bringing our site and buildings including the Prefab to life.

black 1940s car with a a man and women dressed as air raid wardens standing next to it

This weekend should be fun for everyone wanting to experience the war years

Avoncroft Museum will come to life over the weekend when many of the counties established re-enactment groups will setting up displays and providing interacting opportunities both in the buildings and around the comprehensive 19 acre site, including Worcestershire at War, Forever Forties Group, Living History UK, GI 44-45 Living History Group, Worcestershire Women’s Land Army and 6th Airbourne, 1940s French Troops fresh from Dunkirk.

Many individuals who will be bringing Vehicles from the 1930s and 40s including cars, motorbikes, jeeps and Lorry’s and even Amber the Ambulance will be attending all of which will recreate the atmosphere and events of World War Two in the United Kingdom.

a man dressed in a brown 1940s suit and hat talking to a man dressed in a black 1940s hat and suit

It will tell the stories associated with the West Midlands during the 1939-45 period and will entertain visitors through immersive activities relating to the time.

During the two days, all over the extensive grounds, there will be displays of historic vehicles, displays by the Observer Corps, by Dispatch Riders, by the ATS and of U.S. Army Training as it prepared for D Day in 1944 in Herefordshire.

Live Entertainment Vintage Shopping

Many of the buildings will be bought to life with displays and occupants, plus the chance for some Vintage Shopping in the Vintage Village and a Vintage Hair Stylist to get your Victory Rolls in place,

We shall again be offering free dance classes throughout the day in the main Guesten Hall for you to watch or take part in.

Food and Drink will be available to purchase in Guesten Hall, and Event Café in Guesten Hall.



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